The culmination point
is an amazing milestone causing the culmination sun, the natural phenomenon
when the sun is right on the equator. The
point of zero degrees or culmination of the sun that is in Pontianak is one of
the city's privilege compared to other countries because it is traversed by the
Equator right in the middle of town. In
addition, the unique design of the Equator Monument is also the main
At that time, the position of the sun will be directly above the head and eliminating all shadows of objects on the earth's surface. During the culmination event, the monument’s shadow will "disappear" a few seconds when exposed to sunlight as well as the shadow of other objects around the monument. Unfortunately, the sun culmination event at the Equator Monument Pontianak is lack of promotion. As a result, many domestic and foreign tourists do not know this rare natural event.
The culmination event occurred in Pontianak sun twice a year, between March 21 - 23 and September 21 - 23, is a natural event and became an annual event in Pontianak to attract tourist arrivals. This important event has also become a routine activity conducted by the Department of Tourism of Pontianak each year to expect public support and bring local and foreign tourists.
During the event, hundreds of people witnessed the blending of Pontianak culminating moment that took place at the Equator Monument, at exactly 11:45 pm. Various activities held by the Department of Tourism of Pontianak, such as the three ethnic dances, namely Malay, Dayak and Chinese, as well as some of the attractions of tundang (rhymes and dentak drum).
In addition, this attraction also offers beautiful scenery, especially in the afternoon and evening. To add to the convenience of tourists, the manager provides a park that can be used to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Kapuas River in the evening. Exoticism complete with twinkling lights from across the Kapuas River area that looks so beautiful from this park.
To enter the area or to the Equator monument is free, so that the visitors who come to the Equator Monument could relax and enjoy the atmosphere as much Equator Monument.
Plan your vacation to Pontianak and do not forget to visit the Equator Monument at the culminating point in March or September. Stay at Gardenia Resort and Spa Pontianak and submit to us your holiday plans with family to visit some tourist attractions in Pontianak.
At that time, the position of the sun will be directly above the head and eliminating all shadows of objects on the earth's surface. During the culmination event, the monument’s shadow will "disappear" a few seconds when exposed to sunlight as well as the shadow of other objects around the monument. Unfortunately, the sun culmination event at the Equator Monument Pontianak is lack of promotion. As a result, many domestic and foreign tourists do not know this rare natural event.
The culmination event occurred in Pontianak sun twice a year, between March 21 - 23 and September 21 - 23, is a natural event and became an annual event in Pontianak to attract tourist arrivals. This important event has also become a routine activity conducted by the Department of Tourism of Pontianak each year to expect public support and bring local and foreign tourists.
During the event, hundreds of people witnessed the blending of Pontianak culminating moment that took place at the Equator Monument, at exactly 11:45 pm. Various activities held by the Department of Tourism of Pontianak, such as the three ethnic dances, namely Malay, Dayak and Chinese, as well as some of the attractions of tundang (rhymes and dentak drum).
In addition, this attraction also offers beautiful scenery, especially in the afternoon and evening. To add to the convenience of tourists, the manager provides a park that can be used to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Kapuas River in the evening. Exoticism complete with twinkling lights from across the Kapuas River area that looks so beautiful from this park.
To enter the area or to the Equator monument is free, so that the visitors who come to the Equator Monument could relax and enjoy the atmosphere as much Equator Monument.
Plan your vacation to Pontianak and do not forget to visit the Equator Monument at the culminating point in March or September. Stay at Gardenia Resort and Spa Pontianak and submit to us your holiday plans with family to visit some tourist attractions in Pontianak.
Titik kulminasi merupakan peristiwa penting dan menakjubkan di sekitar Tugu Khatulistiwa yang menyebabkan terjadinya titik kulminasi matahari, yakni fenomena alam ketika matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa. Titik nol derajat atau kulminasi matahari yang ada di Pontianak merupakan salah satu keistimewaan yang dimiliki kota ini dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lainnya yang dilalui garis Khatulistiwa karena tepat berada di tengah-tengah kota. Selain itu, keunikan desain Tugu Khatulistiwa juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri.
Pada saat itu posisi matahari akan tepat berada di atas kepala sehingga menghilangkan semua bayangan benda-benda di permukaan bumi. Pada peristiwa kulminasi tersebut, bayangan tugu akan “menghilang” beberapa detik saat diterpa sinar matahari. Demikian juga dengan bayangan benda-benda lain di sekitar tugu. Sayangnya event kulminasi matahari di Tugu Khatulistiwa Pontianak minim promosi. Akibatnya banyak wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara tidak tahu peristiwa alam langka tersebut.
Peristiwa titik kulminasi matahari di Pontianak yang terjadi setahun dua kali, yakni antara tanggal 21 hingga 23 Maret dan 21 hingga 23 September, merupakan peristiwa alam dan menjadi event tahunan kota Pontianak yang menarik kedatangan wisatawan. Peristiwa penting ini juga menjadi sebuah kegiatan rutin yang digelar oleh Dinas Pariwisata Kota Pontianak setiap tahunnya yang diharapkan mendapat dukungan masyarakat serta mendatangkan wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara.
Ratusan masyarakat Kota Pontianak membaur menyaksikan detik-detik kulminasi yang berlangsung di Tugu Khatulistiwa, tepat pukul 11.45 WIB. Berbagai kegiatan digelar Dinas Pariwisata Kota Pontianak, seperti tarian tiga etnis, yaitu Melayu, Dayak, dan Cina, serta beberapa atraksi dari tundang (pantun dan dentak gendang).
Selain itu, objek wisata ini juga menawarkan panorama alam yang indah, khususnya pada sore dan malam hari. Untuk menambah kenyamanan wisatawan, pihak pengelola menyediakan sebuah taman yang bisa digunakan untuk bersantai menikmati keindahan Sungai Kapuas pada malam hari. Eksotisme terseut semakin lengkap dengan kerlap-kerlip lampu dari daerah seberang Sungai Kapuas yang terlihat begitu indah dari taman ini.
Untuk memasuki area atau ke Tugu Khatulistiwa ini tidak di pungut biaya alias gratis, sehingga para pengunjung yang datang ke Tugu Khatulistiwa bisa bersantai dan menikmati sepuasnya suasana di Tugu Khatulistiwa.
Rencanakan liburan Anda ke Pontianak dan jangan lupa kunjungi Tugu Khatulistiwa pada saat titik kulminasi di bulan Maret ataupun September. Menginap di Gardenia Resort and Spa Pontianak dan serahkan kepada kami rencana liburan Anda bersama keluarga untuk mengunjungi beberapa objek wisata di Pontianak.
Informasi / Information:
Gardenia Resort and Spa Pontianak
Jalan Ahmad Yani 2 Pontianak (Samping Kantor Bupati Kubu Raya)
Tel.: 0561 6726446 / 7066446
Facebook: Gardenia Pontianak Kalbar II Twitter: @gardeniaresort
Foursquare: Gardenia Resort and Spa
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